TRAINING Students must undergo a course of at least 1200 hours of training including self study in practical and theoretical work in a registered IECAB School. 600 Hours of practical work, either in class, salon and or home salon need to be completed and recorded before the exam. PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE A portfolio of evidence is a structured collection of evidence that reflects your efforts, progress and achievement in a specific learning area, and demonstrates your competence. You will be required to complete a Portfolio of Evidence for Practical assessment purposes. A portfolio is a collection of different types of evidence relating to the work being assessed. It can include a variety of work samples. It is to be presented before you write your theory and practical exams. Please present your P.O.E in a neat and clear manner, all work must be your own, no copy and paste is allowed, you can include photos, record cards and any information you would like assessed. It must also include a written paper on the specific subject of learning. For The Beauty Therapy Red Seal Level 2 and Level 3 a minimum of 4000 words RED SEAL The IECAB RED SEAL is awarded to students who have passed the IECAB examinations IECAB BEAUTY THERAPY EXAMINATIONS FACIAL EXAMINATION Cleansing Skin analysis Eyelash and eyebrow tinting · Eyebrow shaping Deep cleansing Electrotherapy, Electrical equipment including Galvanic, High Frequency, Faradic, Vacuum & Micro-dermabrasion Level 3 Facial massage Mask treatment Make-up, full day make-up BODY EXAMINATION Body analysis Electrotherapy, Electrical Equipment including Faradic, G5 and Vacuum Level 3 Manual massage to show the five classical movements Depilation - waxing with hot/hard and strip wax Aromatherapy Slimming Electrical epilation Reflexology foot massage NAIL EXAMINATION Nail technology Manicure & Pedicure Nail Art WRITTEN EXAMINATION Natural Science Anatomy and Physiology The Skin Cosmetic Science Aesthetic Treatments Business Studies DURING THE PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS GREAT EMPHASIS IS PLACED ON: Professional expertise Hygiene Client care and interaction Personal presentation.
IECAB 2023


Our highly qualified Principals and Trainers hold qualifications through various South African & International institutions
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Live The Dream.
Students with LEVEL 2 and or 3 IECAB awards may apply for jobs on cruise liners.
Live Your Life By Your Design Be Outstanding!

Please note our website is in the process of being updated.

TRAINING Students must undergo a course of at least 1200 hours of training including self study in practical and theoretical work in a registered IECAB School. 600 Hours of practical work, either in class, salon and or home salon need to be completed and recorded before the exam. PORTFOLIO OF EVIDENCE A portfolio of evidence is a structured collection of evidence that reflects your efforts, progress and achievement in a specific learning area, and demonstrates your competence. You will be required to complete a Portfolio of Evidence for Practical assessment purposes. A portfolio is a collection of different types of evidence relating to the work being assessed. It can include a variety of work samples. It is to be presented before you write your theory and practical exams. Please present your P.O.E in a neat and clear manner, all work must be your own, no copy and paste is allowed, you can include photos, record cards and any information you would like assessed. It must also include a written paper on the specific subject of learning. For The Beauty Therapy Red Seal Level 2 and Level 3 a minimum of 4000 words RED SEAL The IECAB RED SEAL is awarded to students who have passed the IECAB examinations IECAB BEAUTY THERAPY EXAMINATIONS FACIAL EXAMINATION Cleansing Skin analysis Eyelash and eyebrow tinting · Eyebrow shaping Deep cleansing Electrotherapy, Electrical equipment including Galvanic, High Frequency, Faradic, Vacuum & Micro-dermabrasion Level 3 Facial massage Mask treatment Make-up, full day make-up BODY EXAMINATION Body analysis Electrotherapy, Electrical Equipment including Faradic, G5 and Vacuum Level 3 Manual massage to show the five classical movements Depilation - waxing with hot/hard and strip wax Aromatherapy Slimming Electrical epilation Reflexology foot massage NAIL EXAMINATION Nail technology Manicure & Pedicure Nail Art WRITTEN EXAMINATION Natural Science Anatomy and Physiology The Skin Cosmetic Science Aesthetic Treatments Business Studies DURING THE PRACTICAL EXAMINATIONS GREAT EMPHASIS IS PLACED ON: Professional expertise Hygiene Client care and interaction Personal presentation.




IECAB 2023
Our highly qualified Principals and Trainers hold qualifications through various South African & International institutions
Live the Dream! Students with LEVEL 2 and or 3 IECAB certificate may apply for jobs on cruise liners.
Live Your Life By Your Design Be Outstanding P B PROFESSIONAL BEAUTY Welcome Aboard

Please note our website is in the process of being updated.  onboard jobs offline events